The school of Computing and Mathematical Sciences is open for registration of ICT qualifications. Create a registration form that accepts a prospective student’s name, surname, race, gender, cellphone number, email address, home address and the ICT qualification the student wishes to apply for (Diploma in ICT: Applications Development, Advanced Diploma in ICT: Application Development, Post Graduate Diploma in ICT: Applications Development). Upon completion of the form, the prospective student must agree to the terms and conditions of the university by selecting a checkbox and submit the form. Insert this data into the database. Also include a delete and update button.
NB: Please align your textboxes and text fields
package ictregistration;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class ICTRegistration extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
private JTextField name, surname, race, gender, cellphone_number, email_addresss, home_address;
private JLabel label_name, label_surname, label_race, label_gender;
private JLabel label_cellphone_number, label_email_addresss, label_home_address;
JButton submit, delete, update;
// JFrame frame= new JFrame();
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.setLayout( new FlowLayout());
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(7,2));
label_name = new JLabel("Name"); panel.add(label_name);
name = new JTextField(20); panel.add(name);
label_surname = new JLabel("Surname"); panel.add(label_surname);
surname = new JTextField(20); panel.add(surname);
label_race = new JLabel("Race"); panel.add(label_race);
race = new JTextField(20); panel.add(race);
label_cellphone_number = new JLabel("CellPhone Number"); panel.add(label_cellphone_number);
cellphone_number = new JTextField(20); panel.add(cellphone_number);
label_gender = new JLabel("Gender"); panel.add(label_gender);
gender = new JTextField(20); panel.add(gender);
label_email_addresss = new JLabel("Email Address"); panel.add(label_email_addresss);
email_addresss = new JTextField(20); panel.add(email_addresss);
label_home_address = new JLabel("Home Address"); panel.add(label_home_address);
home_address = new JTextField(20); panel.add(home_address);
f.add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
JPanel panel2 = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,3,3,2));
submit = new JButton("Submit");
delete = new JButton("Delete");
update = new JButton("Update");
f.add(panel2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ICTRegistration();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Deleted successfully");
name.setText(" "); surname.setText(" ");
race.setText(" ");
gender.setText(" "); cellphone_number.setText(" ");
email_addresss.setText(" "); home_address.setText("");
else if(ae.getSource()==submit){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Submitted successfully");
name.setText(" "); surname.setText(" ");
race.setText(" ");
gender.setText(" "); cellphone_number.setText(" ");
email_addresss.setText(" "); home_address.setText("");
else if(ae.getSource()==update){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Updated successfully");
name.setText(" "); surname.setText(" ");
race.setText(" ");
gender.setText(" "); cellphone_number.setText(" ");
email_addresss.setText(" "); home_address.setText("");
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