Suppose that overSpeed and fine are double variables. Assign the value to fine as follows: If 0 < overSpeed <= 5, the value assigned to fine is $20.00; if 5 < overSpeed <= 10, the value assigned to fine is $75.00; if 10 < overSpeed <= 15, the value assigned to fine is $150.00; if overSpeed > 15, the value assigned to fine is $150.00 plus $20.00 per mile over 15.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double overSpeed=26;
double fine=0;
if (overSpeed > 0 && overSpeed <= 5) {
fine = 20;
} else if (overSpeed > 5 && overSpeed <= 10) {
fine = 75;
} else if (overSpeed > 10 && overSpeed <= 15) {
fine = 150;
} else if (overSpeed > 15) {
fine = 150 + (overSpeed - 15) * 20;
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