Task 1
The algorithm to perform this task is very simple and it involves counting the number of edges from a given node to the root node. In this, we consider Charlie's node and Leo's node.
Pseudo-code or Code:
package task1;
import java.util.*;
public class Task1 {
static class Node
int item;
Node leftNode, rightNode;
static Node new_node(int data)
Node tempNode = new Node();
tempNode.item = data;
tempNode.leftNode = null;
tempNode.rightNode = null;
return tempNode;
//Can be used to get the distance between any nodes and the root
//This function can be used to get the distance between Charlie and the root
//Also the function can be applied to get the distance between Leo and the root
static int findingDistance(Node first, int x)
if (first == null)
return -1;
int dist = -1;
if ((first.item == x) ||
(dist = findingDistance(first.leftNode, x)) >= 0 ||
(dist = findingDistance(first.rightNode, x)) >= 0)
return dist + 1;
return dist;
public static void main(String[] args)
Node node = new_node(5);
node.leftNode = new_node(10);
node.rightNode = new_node(15);
node.leftNode.leftNode = new_node(20);
node.leftNode.rightNode = new_node(25);
node.leftNode.rightNode.rightNode = new_node(45);
node.rightNode.leftNode = new_node(30);
node.rightNode.rightNode = new_node(35);
System.out.println(findingDistance(node, 45));
The Time Complexity is O(n) since there is only one traversal.
Task 2:
Algorithm Explanation
Distance(x1, x2) = Distance(root, x1) + Distance(root, x2) - 2*Distance(root, lca)
'x1' and 'x2' are keys that the distance between them is to be found
Distance(x1, x2) is the distance between the nodes
lca is the lowest common ancestor of x1 and x2
package task2;
public class Task2 {
public static class Node {
int data;
Node leftNode;
Node rightNode;
public Node(int data) {
this.data = data;
public static Node LCA(Node rootNode, int x1, int x2)
if (rootNode == null)
return rootNode;
if (rootNode.data == x1 || rootNode.data == x2)
return rootNode;
Node left = LCA(rootNode.leftNode, x1, x2);
Node right = LCA(rootNode.rightNode, x1, x2);
if (left != null && right != null)
return rootNode;
if (left == null && right == null)
return null;
if (left != null)
return LCA(rootNode.leftNode, x1, x2);
return LCA(rootNode.rightNode, x1, x2);
public static int findingLevel(Node rootNode, int i, int l)
if (rootNode == null)
return -1;
if (rootNode.data == i)
return l;
int left = findingLevel(rootNode.leftNode, i, l + 1);
if (left == -1)
return findingLevel(rootNode.rightNode, i, l + 1);
return left;
public static int findingDistance(Node rootNode, int x, int y)
Node lca = LCA(rootNode, x, y);
int d1 = findingLevel(lca, x, 0);
int d2 = findingLevel(lca, y, 0);
return d1 + d2;
// Testing program
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node root = new Node(1);
root.leftNode = new Node(2);
root.rightNode = new Node(3);
root.leftNode.leftNode = new Node(4);
root.leftNode.rightNode = new Node(5);
root.rightNode.leftNode = new Node(6);
root.rightNode.rightNode = new Node(7);
root.rightNode.leftNode.rightNode = new Node(8);
System.out.println("Dist(4, 5) = "
+ findingDistance(root, 4, 5));
Time Complexity of Task 2 is also O(n) since there is only one traversal of the list
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