I can only use joption pane loops not even arrays and none of the complex code since this is a beginners class and I am lost trying to find the code.
Description: You are a salesperson for Computers-R-Us. Customers can buy many different computer models from you. This week there is a sale on 5 different models. When a customer signs onto the company website a window will pop up asking them if they would like to take advantage of the sale. Window would look something like this:
If the answer is yes, the system then pops up a window with each of the 5 models that are for sale … one window at a time. Each of these windows will show the model’s name and its price and ask the customer how many they would like to buy? The answer could be from 0 to a lot. Window would look something like this:
After all the models have been shown to the user, a summary window is shown that shows one line for each model the user decided to buy, the quantity of that model and the total price for that model. One add
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