(Abstract class, Interface, Method Overriding)Write a java program with proper
illustration to implement the following instructions:
e) Create a class Cat that extends Feline, then override the callSound() method and print
“meow” , also override the run() method and return 30.
f) Create a class Wolf that extends Canine, then override the callSound() method and
refer immediate parent class callSound() method , also override the run() method and
return 20.
g) Create a class Dog that extends Canine, then override the callSound() method, print
“woof” and refer immediate parent class callSound() method , also override the run()
method and return 10.
h) Create a class Main and write the main() method, then create object as-
Animals[] animals = new Animals[4];
animals[0] = new Cat();
animals[1] = new Dog();
animals[2] = new Wolf();
animals[3] = new Lion();
for i=0→animals.length: call animals[i].callSound() and analysis the outputs.
interface Animals {
void callSound();
int run();
abstract class Feline implements Animals {
public void callSound() {
public int run() {
return 0;
class Cat extends Feline {
public void callSound() {
//print 'meow'
public int run() {
return 30;
class Wolf extends Feline {
public void callSound() {
public int run() {
return 20;
class Dog extends Feline {
public void callSound() {
public int run() {
return 10;
class Lion extends Feline {
public void callSound() {
public int run() {
return 40;
public class Q205086 {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Animals[] animals = new Animals[4];
animals[0] = new Cat();
animals[1] = new Dog();
animals[2] = new Wolf();
animals[3] = new Lion();
for (int i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < animals.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Run: "+animals[i].run());
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