Design loan calculator using JSP which accepts Periodof Time (in years) and Principal Loan Amount. Display
payment amount for each loan and then list the loan
balance and interest paid for each payment over the
term of the
loan for the following time period and interest rate:
a. 1 to 7 year at 5.35%
b. 8 to 15 year at 5.5%
c. 16 to 30 year at 5.75%
public class GFG {
// Function to calculate EMI
static float emi_calculator(float p,
float r, float t)
float emi;
r = r / (12 * 100); // one month interest
t = t * 12; // one month period
emi = (p * r * (float)Math.pow(1 + r, t))
/ (float)(Math.pow(1 + r, t) - 1);
return (emi);
// Driver Program
static public void main (String[] args)
float principal, rate, time, emi;
principal = 10000;
rate = 10;
time = 2;
emi = emi_calculator(principal, rate, time);
System.out.println("Monthly EMI is = " + emi);
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