Filter Unique Characters
Given a string
myString as an input, write a JS program to find the unique characters from the myString.
Quick Tip
You can use the array method indexOf().
Sample Input 1
Was it a cat I saw?
Sample Output 1
'W', 'a', 's', ' ',
'i', 't', 'c', 'I',
'w', '?'
Sample Input 2
I did, did I?
Sample Output 2
[ 'I', ' ', 'd', 'i', ',', '?' ]
var myString = "Was it a cat I saw?"; // initialize myString
var unique = []; // create an array to store unique characters
var count = 0; // initialize count to zero
var str =""; // String to make string of unique characters
for (var x = 0; x < myString.length; x++) // iterate loop
if(str.indexOf(myString.charAt(x))==-1) // check if character is unique
str += myString[x]; // add it to the unique string
unique[count] = myString[x]; // add character to unique array
count++; // increase count by 1
print (unique.toString()); // display content of an array
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