Write Java programs for each of the following. Compile, run and verify each
program. Appropriate comments, indentation and identifier names are expected.
1. Acoustic foam is a material used for sound insulation. It is manufactured by
pouring a latex-like material into a mold (similar to a waffle iron). Write a java
program which computes the volume of liguid
required to generate a sheet of this material.
Notice that a sheet has a base, (which you can
assume is 3cm thick), and a rectangular grid of
4-sided pyramids. Your program should input
the dimensions of the grid (pyramids across by
pyramids down), as well as the depth and width
of a pyramid. You can assume that the base of
each pyramid is a square and that all pyramids
on a sheet are of the same size. You can also
assume that there is no expansion or contraction
during the curing process.
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