Mr. Akbar is senior software developer working on an ecommerce website he wants to add the following products on his website with following keys
Mouse 4614
Keyboard 5882
Cable 6713
Webcam 4409
Monitor 1825
To make searching better he asked his junior to find the 2 digit hash address of products by following techniques and share results with him
a) Division method with m=97
b) Mid square method
c) Folding method without reversing
d) Folding method with reversing
Mouse 55
Keyboard 62
Cable 20
Webcam 44
Monitor 79
Mouse 88
Keyboard 97
Cable 64
Webcam 39
Monitor 30
Mouse 60
Keyboard 40
Cable 80
Webcam 53
Monitor 43
Mouse 5
Keyboard 13
Cable 7
Webcam 34
Monitor 33
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