create a fashion blog webpage
Bookmark Maker
In this assignment, let's build a Bookmark Maker by applying the concepts we learned till now.
In this CCBP Login Dynamic Web Application I can’t getting the above JS functionalities
this cases are not executed please help
When the HTML button element with the id getActivity Btn is clicked, a GET request has to be sent to the given URL and set HTTP response value in the HTML paragraph element with id activityName, activityType and the HTML img element with id activity Img should change according to the response
this case how is executed
Random activity
When the HTML button element with the id getActivity Btn is clicked, a GET request has to be sent to the given URL and set HTTP response value in the HTML paragraph element with id activityName, activityType and the HTML img element with id activity Img should change according to the response
<div class="bg-container text-center">
<button class="get-activity-button p-1 mt-3" id="getActivityBtn">Get Activity</button>
<div class="mt-2" id="result">
<div class="d-flex flex-row">
<div class="w-50 d-flex flex-column justify-content-center text-center">
<p id="activityName" class="activity-name">Buy a new house decoration</p>
<p id="activityType" class="activity-type">recreational</p>
6. A counter of how many people have signed a Cause should be visible to anyone 7. Ability to see signature counts and actual new signatures as they happen 9. Ability to share causes on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.
Create a front-end and back-end Web App. Use ASP.NET MVC with C# and Razor, Entity Framework, AJAX, JSON, HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery) 1. Vote with Your Wallet. You are approached by an enthusiastic friend looking to create a Web App enabling people to publicly express their objection to creative tax avoidance, unfair employment practices, racism, disregard for environmental impact, and other unethical business and political practices. The idea is that users will be able to add their signatures under a cause, which can be created by other members, supporting the cause and pledging not to do business or otherwise deal with the misbehaving entity highlighted in the cause. 1. Ability to create Member accounts 2. Members can create new Causes 3. Ability to electronically sign under Causes using a Member account 4. There is an “Admin” account that can delete Causes 5. A list of names who have signed a Cause should be visible to anyone
i want code in between write code here
"use strict";
let inputString = "";
let currentLine = 0;
process.stdin.on("data", (inputStdin) => {
inputString += inputStdin;
process.stdin.on("end", (_) => {
inputString = inputString.trim().split("\n").map((str) => str.trim());
function readLine() {
return inputString[currentLine++];
class Mobile {
// Write your code here
function main() {
const brand = readLine();
const ram = readLine();
const battery = parseInt(readLine());
const song = readLine();
const isOnCall = JSON.parse(readLine());
const myMobile = // Write your code here
Creating and consuming promises.
1.For taking shower,
resolve with "Taken Shower" text,if the isHotWaterReady is true.and reject with "Hot Water Not Ready",text if the isHotWaterReady is false.
2.For having breakfast,
resolve with "Had Breakfast",text,if the isBreakfastReady is true and reject with "Breakfast Not ready" text,if the isBreakfastReady is false
3.For getting to work,
resolve with "Got ti Work",text
i/p:the 1st line of i/p contains a boolean isHotWaterReady
the second line of i/p contains a boolean isBreakfastReady
output;Taken Shower
Had Breakfast
Got to Work
Taken Shower
Breakfast Not Ready
o/p:Hot Water Not Ready
o/p:Hot Water Not Ready
CCBP login
When the submit is clicked and the value of the HTML input elements with I'd names is empty and password is not empty then the text content in the HTML paragraph elements with I'd name ErrMsg and resultMsg should have an error message and "Fill in the required details " respectively
When the submit is clicked and the value of the HTML input elements with I'd name is empty and password is not empty then the text content in the HTML paragraph elements with I'd password ErrMsg and resultMsg should have an error message and "Fill in the required details " respectively
*This cases are not executed getting error please help*