Find latitude and longitude of 20 countries with a population greater than or equal to the population limit given below. Use the country details from this dataset.
Your task is to find the sum of the length of all lines (in kms) that can be drawn between co-ordinates of these countries.
Population limit: 28875
import json
from math import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, asin
def find_dist(latlng_1, latlng_2):
This function calculate distanse in km between two point on Earth
whose coordinates are passed as two lists and returns rounded distanse
lat1, lon1 = latlng_1[0]*pi/180, latlng_1[1]*pi/180
lat2, lon2 = latlng_2[0]*pi/180, latlng_2[1]*pi/180
d = 2*6371*asin(sqrt(sin((lat2-lat1)/2)**2 + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin((lon2-lon1)/2)**2))
return round(d,2)
file = "countriesV2.json"
limit = 11750
with open(file, 'r') as f:
contries = json.load(f)
first_20 = {}
for contry in contries:
if contry['population'] >= limit:
first_20[contry['alpha3Code']] = contry['latlng']
if len(first_20) == 20:
total_dist = 0
keys = list(first_20.keys())
for i in range(len(keys)-1):
for j in range(len(keys[i+1:])):
total_dist += find_dist(first_20[keys[i]], first_20[keys[j]])
total_dist = round(total_dist, 2)
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