Given list of students’ records. Write a program with signature as below:
Method Name: getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan()
Input: marks – Integer
Output: List of Students having marks more than the input
Also, add the Unit Test case – both positive and negative. (Any high-level language like – Java,
Python, PHP, C#, JavaScript)
const input = document.querySelector('.form__input');
const btn = document.querySelector('.form__btn');
const textarea = document.querySelector('.textarea');
const list1 = {
'student1': 1,
'student2': 2,
'student3': 3,
'student4': 4,
'student5': 5,
'student6': 6,
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student9': 9,
'student10': 10,
function getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan(listStudents, inputValue = input.value) {
let result = {};
if (inputValue !== '' && !isNaN(inputValue)){
textarea.value = '';
for (const student in listStudents) {
if (listStudents[student] > inputValue) {
textarea.value += `${student}: ${listStudents[student]} \n`;
result[student] = listStudents[student];
if (textarea.value == '') {
textarea.value = "No one students having marks more than the input"
} else{
textarea.value = "Please write a mark number"
return result // if we want to work with result
btn.addEventListener("click", function () { getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan(list1)}); // start ower function
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let assert = chai.assert;
<div class="container">
<div class="form">
<label class="labal" for="form__input">Input mark</label>
<div class="form__group">
<input class="form__input" type="text">
<button class="form__btn">Get marks</button>
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// Unit test js
describe("getStudentsWithMarksMoreThan", function () {
it("get Students with marks more than value 5", function () {
'student1': 1,
'student2': 0,
'student3': 3,
'student4': 4,
'student5': 5,
'student6': 2,
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student9': 1,
'student10': 6,
, 5),
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student10': 6,
it("get Students with marks more than value 2", function () {
'student1': 1,
'student2': 0,
'student3': 3,
'student4': 4,
'student5': 5,
'student6': 2,
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student9': 1,
'student10': 6,
, 2),
'student3': 3,
'student4': 4,
'student5': 5,
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student10': 6,
it("get Students with marks more than value 22", function () {
'student1': 1,
'student2': 0,
'student3': 3,
'student4': 4,
'student5': 5,
'student6': 2,
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student9': 1,
'student10': 6,
, 22),
'student3': 3,
'student4': 4,
'student5': 5,
'student7': 7,
'student8': 8,
'student10': 6,
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