String Starts or Ends with given String
Given an array
stringsArray of strings, and startString, endString as inputs, write a JS program to filter the strings in stringsArray starting with startString or ending with endString.
Quick Tip
You can use the array method filter() and logical operator OR ( || ).
function main() {
const stringsArray = JSON.parse(readLine().replace(/'/g, '"'));
const startString = readLine();
const endString = readLine();
/* Write your code here */
function main() {
const stringsArray = JSON.parse(readLine().replace(/'/g, '"'));
const startString = readLine();
const endString = readLine();
/* Write your code here */
const outputArray = stringsArray.filter( item => item.startsWith(startString) || item.endsWith(endString) );
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