Get all the distinct user_ids who liked at least one video uploaded by Android Authority Channel (channel__id = 364) but didn't like the video uploaded by Tech savvy channel with video_id = 1005.
sir plz explain sql query
Create a view based on the MyCustomers table that lists the customer last name, first name and email. Do not include the customer# in the view. Name the view Contact. View the contents of the view.
Describe the working procedure of 8255A with your own words.
Show the most recent five orders that were purchased from account numbers that have spent more than $70,000 with AdventureWorks.
Write separate queries using a join, a subquery, a CTE, and then an EXISTS to list all AdventureWorks customers who have not placed an order.
Write a trigger for the Product table to ensure the list price can never be raised more than 15 Percent in a single change. Modify the above trigger to execute its check code only if the ListPrice column is updated (Use AdventureWorks Database).
Help in doing this : Create a function that takes as inputs a SalesOrderID, a Currency Code, and a date, and returns a table of all the SalesOrderDetail rows for that Sales Order including Quantity, ProductID, UnitPrice, and the unit price converted to the target currency based on the end of day rate for the date provided. Exchange rates can be found in the Sales.CurrencyRate table. ( Use AdventureWorks)
Write separate queries using a join, a subquery, a CTE, and then an EXISTS to list all AdventureWorks customers who have not placed an order.
BOOKS BookID BookName YearOfPublication AuthorID Price Bk1 Databases 2007 A1 1000 Bk2 Programming 2020 A2 500 II. III. Author Author ID Name Gender email phone city A1 A2 ... II. From the tables given above, write the following in form of relational algebra 1. Selects rows from the table Books where Book Name is 'History' and 'price' is 1000 or those books published after 2015 2. show the name of Authors who live in city is ‘Islamabad'. 3. Show the names of the authors who either live in city 'Islamabad' or Gender is 'Male
Find the sum of durations of the videos published by each channel in hours.