a. Get the description EMP table.
b. List all employees details.
c. List all employee names and their salaries, whose salary lies between 1500/- and 3500/- both inclusive.
d. List all employee names and their and their manager whose manager is 7902 or 7566 0r 7789.
e. List all employees who belongs to the department 10 or 20.
Get all the potential users. Fetch the user_ids who liked at least 2 videos published by "Disney" channel, and who did not subscribe to the channel (channel_id = 352).
potential_user_id no_of_likes
Best time to upload a comedy video:
DunkFest channel is planning to upload a video in the "COMEDY" genre
Give the channel the best suitable hour of the day when users positively engage more with comedy videos.
hour_of_engagement no_of_likes5...
Get all the distinct user_ids who liked at least one video uploaded by Android Authority Channel (channel__id = 364) but didn't like the video uploaded by Tech savvy channel with video_id = 1005.
Get the number of users who possitively engaged with at least one video of Disney Channel (channel_id = 352).
Get the top 10 channels for which more number of users are subscribed in the year 2018.
In case, if the no_of_subscribers are same, then sort the output in the ascending order of channel_name.
channel_id channel_name no_of_subscribers
get all the music video released before the year 2016. you can consider the video which contains "music" as name as music video.sort th output in descending order of the year and ascending order of name.
How to connect Java application with and Mysql database using JDBC?
Business rules for hairdressers:
1. All entities should have surrogate primary keys.
2. Each hairdresser can work at multiple different salons over time, and every salon employs many different hairdressers.
3. The job title of a hairdresser at a specific salon must be stored in the database.
4. The name and surname of each hairdresser must be stored in the database.
5. The name of each salon must be stored in the database.
6. Every hairdresser is certified to have several different skills, and each skill can be mastered by many different hairdressers.
7. The name of each skill must be stored in the database.
8. The date that a specific hairdresser was certified to have a specific skill must be stored in the database.