Enumerate the types of privileges available in SQL.
1. Assuming the conceptual schema is already stored, what are the two main functions of the conceptual information processor? 2. What are the three main components of the conceptual schema? 3. ”The CIP will reject a compound transaction if any of its component update operations is inconsistent with the conceptual schema”. True or false?
a) What is Relational Database Management Systems (DBMS)? Give three examples of
b) The entity “Student” has attributes such as Student ID, First Name, Last Name. Give three examples of other entities and list three attributes for each one of them.
c) Provide a unique attribute you will use to identify each entity you listed for Qb
d) Provide five IT roles you would like to endorse in your future company.
1.What is Relational Database Management Systems (DBMS)? Give three examples of
2. The entity “Student” has attributes such as Student ID, First Name, Last Name. Give three examples of other entities and list three attributes for each one of them.
Display the managerial hierarchy from Ruth Ellerbrock (person type – EM) up to CEO Ken Sanchez. Hint: use
[uspGetEmployeeManagers] (Schema(s) involved: [Person], [HumanResources])
DATABASE- AdverntureWorks2017
Railway Management System
The Main aim of the Railway
Management Mini DBMS project is
to ease the process of railway
reservation. We aim to
demonstrate the use of create,
read, update and delete MySQL
operations through this project. In
this project, we first add the details
of trains and their halting stations.
Then passengers can book a ticket
by adding their details, source and
Destination. Passenger module
shows the number of passengers
boarding to the station. Trains and
Stations can be added or deleted
and the train details can be
updated for changing the timing on
arrival and departure or just
increasing or decreasing the
amount for tickets based on
classes such as 2A,3B,etc.
b) Consider the employee data. Give an expression in SQL for the following query:
Employee (employeeName, street, city)
Works (employeeName, companyName, salary)
Company (companyName, city)
Manages (employeeName, managerName)
i)Find the name and cities of residence of all employees who work for Bangladesh Bank.
ii)Find all employee in the database who do not work for Bangladesh Bank.
iii) Find all employee in the database who earn more than every employee of UCB bank.
a) Write SQL commands
1. To create the above table structure with proper constraints.
2. Select all the PROG type published by BPB from Library.
3. Display a list of all books with Price more than 130 and sorted by Qty.
4. Display all the books sorted by Price in Ascending Order.
5. Display a report. Listing Book No. current value and misplacement charges for each book in the above
table. Calculate the misplacement charges for all books Price*1.25
6. Count the number of books published by PHI
7. Insert a new book in the library.
8. Count the no of books in each Type.
9. Add one more attribute “No_of_copies” in the above table.
10. Update the new attribute value with 2 for each book.
11. Count the total number of Publishers.
1. Indicate at least two different meanings for each of the following sentences, by including names for object types and reference modes.
a. Pluto is owned by Mickey.
b. Dallas is smaller than Sydney.