I'm using oracle 10g and I need to write a number of statements as such:
Congratulations Bill, your grade point average is 3.45. You'll need to use the TO_CHAR function to convert the GPA column (which is a NUMBER data type) to a set of characters.
I've created the following tables:
INSERT INTO students VALUES (101, 'Bill', 'CMIS', 3.45, 102);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (102, 'Mary', 'CMIS', 3.10, NULL);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (103, 'Sue', 'Marketing', 2.95, 102);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (104, 'Tom', 'Finance', 3.5, 106);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (105, 'Alex', 'CMIS', 2.75, 106);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (106, 'Sam', 'Marketing', 3.25, 103);
INSERT INTO students VALUES (107, 'Jane', 'Finance', 2.90, 102);
Now I'm totally lost as to how to display the user's GPA along with the sentence. Does anyone know where to start?
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