For each question, create a SQL query that answers the question and export the query results as a CSV.
Include all of your queries on a separate worksheet in the Excel file, paste each query into its own column and use the first row of the column to ID the query.
Don’t wait until Thursday if you have problems, contact me!
Questions — 50 points total:
1. How many votes had 0 “no” votes? 13 points
2. How many votes had a margin of less than 3 votes? 13 points
3. How many times did each result occur? 13 points
4. How many motions to table got more than 10 Republican “no” votes AND more than 10 Democratic “no” votes? 7 points
5. What was the result of all cloture votes, and how many times did each result occur? 4 points
Bonus: For question 4, for any rejected votes, what was is/are the title of the related bill or bills? 5 points.
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