5. Write a query that will return all the rentals placed between the following dates “2021-08-
01” AND “2021-10-30”.
6. Write a query that selects all the rentals placed by Bud Barnes.
7. Write a query that displays all the returns for the car make Toyota.
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8. Write a query that counts the number of rentals that were placed for the car make
9. Write a query to update the Model of the car with the CarNo FOR001 from “Fiesta” to
10. Write a query that will display the CarNo, Driver Name, Rental Fee, Start Date, End Date
and Availability of all available rentals.
11. Write a query that will show a list of the available car makes in the database use the
DISTINCT command.
5.select * from rentals_placed where dates between '2021-08-01' AND '2021-10-30';
6.select * from rentals_placed where placed='Bud Barnes';
7.select * from car where returns=true and make='Toyota';
8.select count(CarNo),model from car where rentals=true and make='Hyundai';
9.update car set model='Focus' where CarNo='FOR001' and model='Fiesta';
10.select c.CarNo, c.Driver_Name, c.Rental_Fee, c.Start_Date, c.End_Date,r.name from car c,rentals r
where c.CarNo=r.CarNo;
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