8. A specific manufacturer makes each launch vehicle type, and a manufacturer can make
many different launch vehicle types.
9. Each launch carries one payload, and a payload is only carried by one launch.
10. A manufacturer also makes each payload, and a manufacturer can make many different
payloads over time.
11. Multiple crew members can be carried on a crewed launch, and each crew member can be
carried on multiple launches over time.
12. Each crew member has a nationality (the country they come from), and their name and
surname also need to be recorded.
13. Crew members can appear in the database before they launch for the first time.
Draw an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation, representing these business rules. Your design should be at the logical level – include surrogate primary key and foreign key fields and remember to remove any many-to-many relationships.
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