All are based on the following airline database schema:
Flights(flno, from, to, distance, departs)
Aircraft(aid. aname, range)
Certified(eid, aid)
Employees(eid, ename, salary)
By definition. pilots are those employees who are certified on at least onelireraft. An aireraft can be used for any fight provided t
has sufficient range. Pilots can pilot any flight provided they are certifiedn an aircraft with sufficient range.
1. Find eid's of pilots who are certified on some Boeing.
2. Find names of pilots who are certified on some Boeing.
3. Find aid's of aircraft that can fly non-stop from LA to NY. Assume jou don't already know the distance.
4. Find flno of flights that can be piloted by every pilot whose salary is (ver $100,000.
5. Solve problem 4 without using the division operator
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