Bohlale Clothing is located in a number of malls such as Maseru Mall, Pioneer Mall, Sefika etc . Each location
is identified by its location ID, address town/city, contact number and business type Business Type can be either
a store or a warehouse.
b) Bohlale employs many employees on different position, where each employee has a location, first name,
surname, title (salesman, buyer, receiver, and manager), address city/town contact number, fulltime or part time
and rate.
c) The main mandate of the store is to sell clothes and other dressing accessories. Each clothing product has a
unique ID, description, category (shirt, dress, trousers etc), gender (clothes for woman or man), manufacturer ID,
cost price and sales price.
d) Clothing in Bohlale store have varies sizes and colors. The store requires information on the size in which the
clothing item is manufactured together with the color.
create table location(
location_ID NOT NULL,
address(town/city) NOT NULL,
contact_number NOT NULL,
business_type DATE,
PRIMARY KEY (location_id )
create table employee(
location NOT NULL,
first_name NOT NULL,
title NOT NULL,
address(city/town) NOT NULL,
contact number NOT NULL,
rate NOT NULL,
MODE(fulltime or part time),
PRIMARY KEY (contact number )
create table cloth_descr(
unique_ID NOT NULL,
description NOT NULL,
category(shirt, dress, trousers etc) NOT NULL,
gender (clothes for woman or man) NOT NULL,
manufacturer NOT NULL,
manufacturer ID NOT NULL,
cost price NOT NULL,
sales price NOT NULL
create table further_descr(
sizes NOT NULL,
color NOT NULL)
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