Identify and with practical examples give the different types of languages that are
available in the DBMS?
Data definition languages, which are used to declare schemas (perhaps including application-specific integrity constraints).
Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements. Data definition language (DDL) statements enable you to perform these tasks: The CREATE, ALTER, and DROP commands require exclusive access to the specified object. For example, an ALTER TABLE statement fails if another user has an open transaction on the specified table.
Data manipulation languages, which are used to retrieve and manipulate the stored data. It can be categorized into procedural and declarative languages(We can use MYSQL for both). The below are
examples of statements
Select/ From/ Where
Insert/ Into/ Values
Update/ Set/ Where
Delete/ From/ Where
SQL is the ISO/ANSI standard for a relational database language. SQL is both a data definition and a data manipulation language. It is also both a query language and capable of expressing updates.
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