Get all the channel_ids that uploaded at least 20 videos in "AI/ML", "Cyber Security", "Data Science" or "Robotics" technologies between 2018 and 2021.
Example: If a channel publishes 5 videos in AI/ML, 10 videos in Cyber Security and 5 videos in Data Science, consider the channel.
Consider all the videos that have any of the technologies mentioned above in theirname
Sort the output in the ascending order of channel_id.
Expected Output Format
Video Table
video_id name duration_in_secs published_datetime no_of_views channel_id
1000 Getting My Driver's License | Lele Pons 3652 2011-12-05 19:00 10619 367
1001 Apple iPhone X Review: The Best Yet! 4556 2021-01-19 20:12 140012 362
SELECT channelid
FROM video_content
WHERE name IN ("AI/ML", "Cyber Security", "Data Science", "Robotics")
ORDER BY channelid;
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