Design an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the following database required
by ‘Chan Furniture’ company with the following details:
1. The company sells a number of different furniture products.
The identifier for a product is Product_ID Other attributes for product include Product_Description, Product_Finish, and Unit_Price.
2. Orders must be submitted in order to request for the products
The identifier for an order is Order_ID, and another attribute is Order_Date. An order must consist of at least one product. Any product sold by Chan may not be requested on any order, or may be requested on one or more orders. An attribute associated with each order and product is Quantity, which is the number of units requested.
3. A customer may submit any number of orders, but need not submit any orders.
Each order is submitted by exactly one customer. The identifier for a customer is Customer_ID. Other attributes include Customer_Name and Customer_Address.
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