Implement the following procedures/functions/triggers
4. Function which displays for a given employees (the function must take one parameter: employee_id) all his/her tasks which are still open and number of days left to the deadline date. If the deadline data has been exceeded for some task it should be indicated as ‘deadline exceeded’
5. Function which returns all current employees working on a given position (postiton_id should be function parameter). The function should display employee_id, first name, last name, salary, start date, department id, department date.
6. Procedure giveRaise which gives 15% raise for employee(s) who did the most number of tasks during last twelve months.
7. Trigger which does not allow to fire an employee who has at least one open task. The trigger should run after update statement on the Employment table which tries to set the end_date column on some date value.
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