What is SQL Aggregate Functions Define with Examples
// some corrections
Aggregate functions calculate some scalar values in a rowset.
MySQL has the following aggregate functions:
AVG: calculates the average
SUM: calculates the sum of values
MIN: calculates the smallest value
MAX: calculates the largest value
COUNT: calculates the number of rows in a query
For example, we can illustrate this on the table SouthAmericanParrots,
calculating the average number of the parrots species in different countries,
finding minimal and maximal number, total count of species and countries.
create table SouthAmericanParrots(id integer, country_name varchar(50),
number_of_species integer, most_common_species varchar(100));
insert into SouthAmericanParrots(id, country_name,
number_of_species, most_common_species)
values(1, "Brasilia", 78, "Ara macao"),
(2, "Peru", 38, "Golden-plumed parakeet"),
(3, "Argentina", 52, "Burrowing parrot"),
(4, "Equador", 43, "Amazon");
select * from SouthAmericanParrots;
SELECT AVG(number_of_species) AS Average_number_of_species FROM SouthAmericanParrots;
SELECT MIN(number_of_species) AS Minimal_number_of_species FROM SouthAmericanParrots;
SELECT MAX(number_of_species) AS Maximal_number_of_species FROM SouthAmericanParrots;
SELECT SUM(number_of_species) AS Total_number_of_species FROM SouthAmericanParrots;
SELECT COUNT(country_name) AS Total_number_of_countries FROM SouthAmericanParrots;
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