Use the CREATE table statement to create a table for each entity for Huffman Trucking’s fleet truck maintenance database.
Use the INSERT statement to populate the tables with realistic sample data, demonstrating each relationship in your entity relationship diagram. Include at least two entries for each table.
Use the SELECT statement to create the following queries:
1. Create a simple query for each table that returns all of the
columns and all of the rows for each table.
2. Write a query that displays each part that has been purchased by Huffman Trucking Company. For each part, also retrieve its parts catalog information from the parts catalog table and vendor information from the vendor table.
3. Write a query that displays all of the rows in the vehicle maintenance table. For each vehicle maintenance row, join the corresponding information from the maintenance descriptions table and vehicles table.
4. Write a query that displays each row in the maintenance work order table. For each row in the maintenance work order table, join the corresponding information from the maintenance description table.
5. Write a query that counts the number of maintenance work orders for each vehicle in the maintenance work order table. Display the vehicle column and the corresponding count of work orders for each vehicle.
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