1. An array A[0..n-1] is sorted using the merge-sort algorithm. The worst case and the best case running time of this computation respectively are
a. O (n) and O (n log n)
b. O (n log n) and O (n)
c. O (n log n) and O (n log n)
d. O (n2) and O (n log n)
Array is A[0..n-1]
Size of the array = n
Now, in the merge sort, array split into two equal half, and then sort this array individually.
This array will divide into two two half. Let the divided node is represented as A[L,R]. Let the splitting node be A[L, M] and A[M+1, R] and again we can take it as A[R-L+1]
As here array size is n, so splitting and merging can be done in "n+\\frac{2\\times n}{2}=2n"
Total running time of the merge sort "S=2\\Sigma_{i=0}^{n-1}{2^i\\frac{n}{2^i}}"
if i =n, then
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