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a. Each object of the class BookType can hold the following information about a book: title, up to four authors, publisher, ISBN, price, and number of copies in stock. To keep track of the number of authors, add another member variable.

b. Include the member functions to perform the various operations on objects of type BookType. For example, the usual operations that can be performed on the title are to show the title, set the title, and check whether a title is the same as the actual title of the book. Similarly, the typical operations that can be performed on the number of copies in stock are to show the number of copies in stock, set the number of copies in stock, update the number of copies in stock, and return the number of copies in stock. Add similar operations for the publisher, ISBN, book price, and authors. Add the appropriate constructors and a destructor (if one is needed). Also add the necessary preconditions and postconditions.

Write C++ program using pointers in which An amateur meteorologist wants to keep track of weather conditions during the past year’s three-month summer season and has designated each day as either rainy (‘R’), cloudy (‘C’), or sunny (‘S’). Write a program that stores this information in a 3 × 10 array of characters, where the row indicates the month (0 = June, 1 = July, 2 = August) and the column indicates the day of the month. Note that data are not being collected for the date greater than 10th f any month. The program should begin by reading the weather data from user. Then it should create a report that displays, for each month and for the whole three-month period, how many days were rainy, how many were cloudy, and how many were sunny. It should also report which of the three months had the largest number of rainy days.

Write a program to find the table of numbers using a while loop. Your program should ask the size of the table. That size defines the rows and columns. Use while loop only for this program.

Write appropriate C++ statement/s for each of the given conditions below.



function call

that passes the value of


. The function is named as





function call

that passes the values of two parameters




. The function is named






function heading



with two integer parameters called





returns an integer result.



function heading

of void function named as



with two integer

parameters called







void function

named as


with one formal parameter of type integer, that will

determine if the value

received in the parameter is positive or negative.

Create a class Library with data members dept_name, rack_no, quantity which is inherited in class Book with data members book_name, author_name. Initialize the data for book and display the data of book with its dept_name, book_name, author_name, quantity and rack_no.

Based on the inheritance hierarchy/tree, write a C++ program to get the width, length and

height from users and call the calculateArea() member function of the Calculate

drived class to determine and return the volume of the user’s input. Before the program

ends, display all values read from users and the calculated area.

2. Make a C++ program that will calculate the total expenses and Cash left of Miss Carla after spending the following : 

Cash - 4,050.00 

  B&W perfume - 700.50

  B&W lotion - 560.85

  Dresses - 2072.50 

Note : the program must display the cash left and total expenses. 

1. Create a C++ program that let the user input his/here grade on the following subjects: Programming, Web Application, Oral Communication, Multimedia and Physics and calculate the average. 

Note : the program must also display/output the subjects with grades from the user and the average. 

Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer and then outputs both

the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits.

write a program to find the table of numbers using a while loop. your program should ask about the size of the table. the size defines the rows and columns. sample output

Enter size : 6

1 2 3 4 5 6


1* 1 2 3 4 5 6

2* 2 4 6 8 10 12

3* 3 6 9 12 15 18

4* 4 8 12 16 20 24

5* 5 10 15 20 25 30

6* 6 12 18 24 30 36

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