Create a C++ program to accept two integers and check if it is greater than or equal to 20. Explain and how it works?
Build a C++ program to read the temperature in centigrade and display a suitable message according to the temperature state below: (nested-if else/switch case)
Temp <0 then freezing weather
Temp 0-10 then very cold weather
Temp 10-20 then cold weather
Temp 20-30 then normal in Temp
Temp 30-40 then it is hot
Temp >=40 then it is very hot
Example Input: 42
Expected Output: It is very hot.
Give the explanation about this program and how it works?
Build a C++ program to read the temperature in centigrade and display a suitable message according to the temperature state below: (nested-if else/switch case)
Temp <0 then freezing weather
Temp 0-10 then very cold weather
Temp 10-20 then cold weather
Temp 20-30 then normal in Temp
Temp 30-40 then it is hot
Temp >=40 then it is very hot
Example Input: 42
Expected Output: It is very hot.
There is a class Team, that holds information about the team name, number of players in the team, and player’s code. Design the constructor function that decides the number of player in the team and initializes code for each player. Create a team and display its all data. (Implement dynamic memory allocation)
There is a class Team, that holds information about the team name, number of players in the team, and player’s code. Design the constructor function that decides the number of player in the team and initializes code for each player. Create a team and display its all data. (Implement dynamic memory allocation)
Write a program to overload operators in the same program by writing suitable operator member functions for following set of expressions:
[Here O1,O2,O3,O4 and O5 are objects of a class “overloading”, and this class is having one integer data member]
A customer opens an account at a bank with an initial amount. The account number, name, and balance of the customer are generated. Write a programme to input data for 5 customers and write into a FILE. Later, display the data of all customers by reading from the FILE
write c++ code to get following output 0,1,4,9,16,25 (use array)
Read about doing multiplication using Karatsuba method
( ).
Write a C++ program which:
• Prompts user to enter two large integer numbers (x, y).
• Make a function called Karatsuba() which takes these two integers and returns the
multiplication result using Karatsuba algorithm.
o Your function should do parameter validation. Both numbers must be more
than 4 digits and less than 10 digits (don’t use strings). If parameters are not
valid then the function should return 0;
o The entered numbers could be negative or positive. For example: 820778 and
-58712979 where x is 6-digit positive number and y is 8-digit negative
• You might need to make another helper function called getDigits() which will get an
integer as input and returns number of digits of that integer. getDigits() will help you
find the value of m and Bm.
• Finally, display result in the main function
Write a C++ Function program that takes up to 10-digit integer input from user (can be 1 digit, 2 digit, and
so on..); passes this to a function which reverses the digits. Finally, the reversed number should
be displayed in the main function. For example: when user enters 10-digit like 1234567890 your
function will reverse it to 987654321. Do not use strings. Be careful for big integer values. [use
functions, decision control]