In this program, we will display a menu to the user. The user can choose any option from
the given menu. The menu would be something like this:
Welcome to the World of Control Structures
Press (A) to add two integers
Press (S) to subtract two integers
Press (M) to multiply two integers
Press (E) to exit the program
Please choose one of the above options:
The above menu is pretty much self explanatory. If the user inputs ‘a’ or ‘A’, you will give
him the option to input two integers. Once he/she has done that, you will display the
sum of the two numbers. If the user presses ‘e’ or ‘E’, the program should exit. If the
user inputs anything else, you should display an error message saying “You have input
an invalid command” .
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Dear shaheer, your question requires a lot of work, which neither of our experts is ready to perform for free. We advise you to convert it to a fully qualified order and we will try to help you. Please click the link below to proceed: Submit order
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