int n; cin >> n;
double i= BlankA, term = BlankB, result = BlankC;
repeat(n){// On tth entry, t=1..n
// i=t-1, term=1/t!
// result=1/0!+..+1/(t-1)!
cout << result << endl;
1)what is BlankA?
2)what is BlankB?
3)what is BlankC?
4)Which of the following will be correct in BlankD?
i = i + 1; term = term / (i+1); result = result + term;
result = result + term; i = i + 1; term = term / (i+1);
i = i + 1; result = result + term; term = term / (i+1);
term = term / (i+1); result = result + term; i = i + 1;
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