cout<<"................................................................................................................"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t SCHOOL ADMISSION \n\n"; cout<<"................................................................................................................"; cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tMAIN PAGE\n\n"; cout<<"Pute your choice: "<<endl; cout<<"1.Students information"<<endl; cout<<"2.Exit program"<<endl; cin >> variable; system("cls");
switch(variable)// switch 1.0 { case '1': { while(1) { system("cls"); //Lvl-2 display cout<<"\t\t\t STUDENTS INFO AND BIO DATA SECTION\n\n\n"; cout<<"Pute your choice: "<<endl; cout<<"1.Create new entry\n"; cout<<"2.Find and display entry\n"; cout<<"3.Jump to main\n"; cin >> cvariable;
switch (variable )//switch 2.0
{ case '1'://Insert data { ofstream file1("student.txt",ios::app);
f1<<DataStudent.Name<<endl<<DataStudent.ID<<endl<<DataStudent.classes<<endl; cout<<"Do you want to enter data: "; cout<<"Press Y for Continue and N to Finish: "; cin>>variable; } } f1.close(); } continue;
case '2': { ifstream f2("student.txt");
cout<<"Enter name to be displayed: "; cin>>f; cout<<endl; int notFound = 0;
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