Write a program that can find the price of all cars in a gallery, the program must specify the total
of each car model and the year it was made for all models in the gallery assuming that there is only 3
cares models and at least 3 deferent years of made for each model.
For example if there is a Honda; and 3 deferent years made 2011, 2012, 2013; find the number of cars
made that year and the total sum price for each year.
Dear salah, please use panel for submitting new questions
14.12.14, 11:44
Write a program that can enter marks for number of students and
calculate their Total and class average, with the following format The
inputs: ID (int), First (double), Second (double) and Final ( double).
The variables: stNum (int) can be calculated during the while loop;
C_aver (double); stu_sum ( double) and grade ( Char); The Grades are:
A for 90’s, B for 80’s, C for 70’s, D for 60’s and F for less
than 60. Use while loop to ask if there is more students to enter. Use
the switch statement to find the g
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Dear salah, please use panel for submitting new questions
Write a program that can enter marks for number of students and calculate their Total and class average, with the following format The inputs: ID (int), First (double), Second (double) and Final ( double). The variables: stNum (int) can be calculated during the while loop; C_aver (double); stu_sum ( double) and grade ( Char); The Grades are: A for 90’s, B for 80’s, C for 70’s, D for 60’s and F for less than 60. Use while loop to ask if there is more students to enter. Use the switch statement to find the g
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