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cute me
16.12.18, 06:35
The National Earthquake Information Center has the following criteria
to determine the earthquake’s damage. Here are the given richer
scale criteria and their corresponding characterization. The richer
scale serves as the input data and the characterization as output
information. (3pts) Richer Numbers (n) Characterization N= n < 5.5
Some damage 5.5 >= n < 6.5 Serious damage 6.5 >= n < 7.5 Disaster
Higher Catastrophe
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions.
The National Earthquake Information Center has the following criteria to determine the earthquake’s damage. Here are the given richer scale criteria and their corresponding characterization. The richer scale serves as the input data and the characterization as output information. (3pts) Richer Numbers (n) Characterization N= n < 5.5 Some damage 5.5 >= n < 6.5 Serious damage 6.5 >= n < 7.5 Disaster Higher Catastrophe
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