Part A
For you assignment due October 1, write a simple program (choose any language you like) to calculate
the checksum of a file. The program should use the CRC8 method (see the Wikipedia entry which was
assigned as part of your required reading). Then use it on :
1) 1 Text file of at least 10,000 lines or more.
2) 2 Binary files of at least 1 MB each or more :
a. one image file and
b. 1 video or audio file for example
It should print the CRC value and the # of bytes in it. Use any OS you like. Submit a source listing, screen
snapshot of successful compilation and execution on the test cases.
Part B
Now alter the original files, e.g. edit the text file and use any utility to add a picture or edit it, similarly
with audio or video file, corrupt it any way you like.
Now run the program and see if it the CRC values are changed. Just report if it detected a different
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