The assignment is accompanied by a solution to the rst assignment, pro-
. This program is slightly adapted to t with this
second assignment better. You can build your new program either on program
, or on the program that you wrote yourself for the rst
assignment. That choice is up to you.
This assignment is also accompanied by executable
, which
solves the second programming task for planet Mars.
3.1 Programming Task 1 (30 marks)
For this assignment you will have to write a program that implements the fol-
lowing pseudo code:
1. Ask for strength of the sea breeze (Beaufort number) and validate it.
2. If the Beaufort number is larger than 6, tell that it is too windy and quit
3. Otherwise do the following
(a) Ask for the launch angle
(b) Select a random angle from the range [
+ 1], where
is the
angle provided by the user.
The initial speed
etc are dened on
page 4.
(c) Compute the initial speed of the container in x and y-direction, using
the selected angle.
Look up the
ranges for wind
and waves in
Table 1.
(d) Select a random wind speed from the range that corresponds to the
Beaufort number provided by the user.
(e) Select a random wave height from the range that corresponds to the
Beaufort number provided by the user.
See Section 2.3
for how to select
random values.
(f) Repeat the following, as long a the y-position is positive or the speed
in y-direction is positive
i. Compute the new positions
How to compute
new position
and speed? See
the description
on page 6 in
Subsection 2.4.
ii. Compute the new speeds
(g) Print the x-position where the projectile will land.
You will have to write a function for each of the following steps in the pseudo
code above:
Ask for strength of the sea breeze (Beaufort number) and validate it.
Ask for the launch angle and validate it.
Select a random wind speed from the range that corresponds to the Beau-
fort number provided by the userSelect a random wave height from the range that corresponds to the Beau-
fort number provided by the user.
The text in
You will have to use these functions in your main function.
Each of
these functions may use other functions, in particular the function
Please submit the C++ code of your solution on Moodle.
3.2 Programming Task 2 (30 marks)
For this task you will have to extend your program for Subsection 3.1. It
should compute 100 trajectories, store the data in an array of size 100, and
then compute the average, and the number of times a letter landed within a 1
distance from the average.
The program should implement the following pseudo code:
Ask for strength of the sea breeze (Beaufort number) and validate it.
If the Beaufort number is larger than 6, tell that it is too windy and quit
Otherwise do the following
Ask for the launch angle
Repeat the following 100 times
Select a random angle from the range [
+ 1], where
the angle provided by the user.
Compute the initial speed of the container in x and y-direction,
using the selected angle.
Select a random wind speed from the range that corresponds to
the Beaufort number provided by the user.
Select a random wave height from the range that corresponds to
the Beaufort number provided by the user.
Repeat the following, as long a the y-position is positive or the
speed in y-direction is positive
Compute the new positions
Compute the new speeds
Store the x-position where the projectile will land in an array.
Compute the average of stored distances.
Compute the number of times that a letter lands within 1
from the average.
Print the average, and the percentage of times that the letter landed
within 1
In addition to the functions mentioned for the programming task 3.1, your
program should include functions for:
Compute the average of stored distances.
Compute the number of times that a letter lands within 1
distance from
the average.
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