Problem 1.19.7. Repeat the problem luhn algorithm shown in figure 1.19.6. Now,
you cannot use any array in your file luhn.cpp. Create a new directory called
luhn1. Copy luhn.h, luhn.cpp and luhntest.cpp from the directory luhn. You
cannot change anything in luhn.h and luhntest.cpp. Rewrite check routine in
luhn.cpp without using any array. That means you need to compute validaty of
the credit card without using temporary array. email only luhn.cpp. Also include
screen shot of the program output as a pdf file.
Problem 1.19.8. Repeat the problem collatz conjecture, 1.19.3, in a new directory
collatz1. Now your collatz procedure should compute the collatz sequence
and store the results in an array. Write another procedure that takes the computed
array and prints the collatz sequence. email collatz.h, collatz.cpp and
collatztest.cpp. Also include screen shot of the program output as a pdf file.
Problem 1.19.9. Write a class called funnychar that outputs the following figure:
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