Make an application that allows multiple people to compete against each other in a simple dice game with 2 dice . The game begins with the user specifies how many dice rolls rounds each will implement with their two dice. Next, the user enters the name of the first player for the stipulated number of throws performed, presented, and the sum of caste calculated. Then it's the next player's name to be entered and this is carried out the same number of throws and the sum of caste calculated. So it goes on until the user enters "End" as the name of players. Finally presented the name of the player with the lowest amount of their caste and also the sum presented. If multiple players would have the same minimum score presents you one of them.
Below you see a scenario on a run.
(Bold and italics means user input )
Now we play " Bad luck in the dice ":
How many dice rolls will be made per player ? 3 The name of the player ? Nisse
Dice throw was :
4 6 = 10
2 5 = 7
4 1 = 5
Total : 22
The name of the player ? Karin
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22.01.14, 16:54
Questions and Answers
[] can u just help me
with how to fix players turns after each other and how represent the
winner plz.
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Dear customer, as it was told, we can not help you for free. Please proceed with submitting your assignment using the link we have offered, and we will help you.
Questions and Answers [] can u just help me with how to fix players turns after each other and how represent the winner plz.
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