Take a real-world scenario of inheritance and implement it in C++ program. Your program should consist of the following:
1. Use Constructors and appropriate access modifier 2. List and draw Base class and Derived class 3. Show polymorphism (function overriding and function overloading) 4. Multiple inheritance 5. Put the user’s data into a file and display a data from a file to the user.
6. Implement Abstract class and interface
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class SimpleShape{ // an abstract class
float width; // width, height are useful for calculting how much
float height; // free space a shape needs to be displayed correctly
SimpleShape(float w, float h){
width = w;
height = h;
SimpleShape(int w, int h){
width = float(w);
height = float(h);
virtual float getArea() = 0; // the c++ implementation of interfaces - virtual functions
class Rectangle: public SimpleShape{
Rectangle(float w, float h):SimpleShape(w,h){
Rectangle(int w, int h):SimpleShape(w,h){
float getArea(){
return width*height;
class Triangle: public SimpleShape{
Triangle(float w, float h):SimpleShape(w,h){
Triangle(int w, int h):SimpleShape(w,h){
float getArea(){
return 0.5*width*height;
class Elipse: public SimpleShape{
Elipse(float w, float h):SimpleShape(w,h){
Elipse(int w, int h):SimpleShape(w,h){
float getArea(){
return 3.14*(width/2)*(height/2);
class Square: public Rectangle{
Square(float side):Rectangle(side, side){
Square(int side):Rectangle(side, side){
float getArea(){
return width*height;
class Circle: public Elipse{
Circle(float rad):Elipse(rad*2,rad*2){
Circle(int rad):Elipse(rad*2,rad*2){
float getArea(){
return 3.14*width/2;
int main() {
Circle c1(5);
Square sq1(3);
char path[] = "shapes.dat";
// write a Triangle to file for a test
ofstream fileW; // TODO: slice input/output to functions
fileW.open(path, ios::app);
fileW.write( (char*)& sq1, sizeof(sq1) );
// read a Triangle from a file for a test
ifstream fileR;
Square obj(0);
fileR.read( (char*)& obj, sizeof(obj) );
cout<<"[tets]] Area of the written-read Square: "<< obj.getArea();
return 0;
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