build registration system that allows users (Admin + Client) to create a new account by filling out all the attributes of its class. But, first, you need to create a binary file that will hold all the user data as objects.
Registration details stored in two separate files namely Admin.dat and Client.dat
These files have all data members including Usernames and Passwords.
After successful signup operations, you must show the menu to the user to Login into this system they must enter their username and password and you must verify these details from the files.
After login Users can reset their password and username. Password must be 8 characters long and use of minimum of one special character, uppercase, lowercase, and the numeric digit is a must. The passenger account is only created if a valid 13-digit CNIC is provided and CNIC must not be repeated in the existing
record. Otherwise, appropriate messages should be generated to notify the users. Users provide their basic identification details to register.
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