Develop a small application in C++ that should allow the user of application to enter the receipt number, sender name, sender address, receiver name, receiver address, shipment fee and parcel weight. After getting required information, generate a shipment receipt and show as summary on screen.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Receipt
int RecNum;
string SendName;
string SenAdress;
string RecName;
string RecAdress;
float ShFee;
float ParcWg;
Receipt(int _RecNum, string _SendName, string _SenAdress, string _RecName,
string _RecAdress, float _ShFee,float _ParcWg):RecNum(_RecNum), SendName(_SendName),
SenAdress(_SenAdress), RecName(_RecName), RecAdress(_RecAdress), ShFee(_ShFee), ParcWg(_ParcWg){}
void Assign()
cout << "Please, enter a receipt number: ";
cin >> RecNum;
cout << "Please, enter a sender name: ";
cin >> SendName;
cout << "Please, enter a sender address: ";
cin >> SenAdress;
cout << "Please, enter a receiver name: ";
cin >> RecName;
cout << "Please, enter a receiver address: ";
cin >> RecAdress;
cout << "Please, enter a sheepment fee: ";
cin >> ShFee;
cout << "Please, enter a parcel weight: ";
cin >> ParcWg;
void Display()
cout << "\n\tInfo about receipt:";
cout << "\nReceipt number is " << RecNum
<< "\nSender name is " << SendName
<< "\nSender address is " << SenAdress
<< "\nReceiver name is " << RecName
<< "\nReceiver address is " << RecAdress
<< "\nSheepment Fee is " << ShFee
<< "\nParce weight is " << ParcWg << endl;
int main()
Receipt r(123,"Jack","5street","Bill","4Avenue",20,500);
Receipt x;
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