Create a calculator for the complex number by creating a class of complex number (with two member variables, required constructor(s) and functions) with overloading all operators in it.(Operators: ++,--,+,-,/,*).
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Complex
float real;
float imag;
Complex() :real(0), imag(0) {}
Complex(float _real, float _imag)
:real(_real), imag(_imag) {}
Complex(Complex& x) :real(x.real), imag(x.imag) {}
Complex operator+ (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real + x.real;
tmp.imag = imag + x.imag;
return tmp;
Complex operator++ ()
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real + 1;
tmp.imag = imag;
return tmp;
Complex operator- (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real - x.real;
tmp.imag = imag - x.imag;
return tmp;
Complex operator-- ()
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real - 1;
tmp.imag = imag;
return tmp;
Complex operator* (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = (real*x.real) - (imag*x.imag);
tmp.imag = (real*x.imag) - (imag*x.real);
return tmp;
Complex operator/ (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
float div = (x.real*x.real) + (x.imag*x.imag);
tmp.real = (real*x.real) + (imag*x.imag);
tmp.real /= div;
tmp.imag = (real*x.imag) - (imag*x.real);
tmp.imag /= div;
return tmp;
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Complex& x);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Complex& x)
os << x.real << setiosflags(ios::showpos) << x.imag << "i"
<< resetiosflags(ios::showpos);
return os;
int main()
float a, ai;
float b, bi;
char ch;
string choice;
cout << "\nPlease, enter real and imaginary part of the first complex number:";
cin >> a >> ai;
cout << "Please, enter real and imaginary part of the second complex number:";
cin >> b >> bi;
Complex x(a, ai);
Complex y(b, bi);
cout << "Please, enter an operation from the following ++,--,+,-,/,*: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == "++")
cout << (++x);
else if(choice == "--")
cout << (--x);
else if (choice == "+")
cout << (x+y);
else if (choice == "-")
cout << (x-y);
else if (choice == "/")
cout << (x / y);
else if (choice == "*")
cout << (x * y);
cin.ignore(256, '\n');
cout << "\nDo you want to continue? [Y/N]: ";
cin >> ch;
} while (ch=='Y');
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