Define a class RationalNumber with suitable data members and member function.
Overload the different operators participating in the following expression to get the result
O7 = ((O1 >= O2) + (O3 && O4) * (O5 < O6)) + O1 + O5;
[Here O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6 and O7 are objects of the class RationalNumber]
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace std;
int absInt(int x) {
if (x >= 0) {
return x;
else {
return -x;
void getFactors(int num, vector<int>& factorSet) {
if (num != 1) {
for (int i = 2; i <= sqrt(static_cast<double>(num)); i++) {
if (num%i == 0) {
factorSet.push_back(num / i);
void simplifyFun(int& a, int& b) {
int tempN = a;
int tempD = b;
int smal, temp;
vector<int> factorSet;
if (tempN == tempD) {
a = 1;
b = 1;
else if (tempN == -tempD) {
a = -1;
b = 1;
else if (tempN == 0) {
b = 1;
if (absInt(tempN) < absInt(tempD)) {
smal = absInt(tempN);
else {
smal = absInt(tempD);
getFactors(smal, factorSet);
for (int i = 0; i < factorSet.size(); i++) {
temp = factorSet[i];
while (tempN%temp == 0 && tempD%temp == 0) {
tempN /= temp;
tempD /= temp;
a = tempN;
b = tempD;
class RationalNumber
int num;
int den;
RationalNumber(int n = 0, int d = 1)
if (d == 0)
cout << "Denomerator can`t be 0!";
num = n;
den = d;
RationalNumber(const RationalNumber &c) :num(c.num), den(c.den) {}
void simplify()
int tempN = num;
int tempD = den;
simplifyFun(tempN, tempD);
num = tempN;
den = tempD;
RationalNumber operator+(const RationalNumber &x) const
RationalNumber tmp;
int tempLD = den;
int tempRD = x.den;
simplifyFun(tempLD, tempRD);
tmp.num = num*tempRD + x.num*tempLD;
tmp.den = den*tempRD;
return tmp;
friend RationalNumber operator+(int y, RationalNumber& x );
RationalNumber operator= (const RationalNumber &x)
RationalNumber tmp;
tmp.num = x.num;
tmp.den = x.den;
return tmp;
bool operator == (const RationalNumber & other) const
return (num == other.num&&den == other.den);
bool operator && (const RationalNumber & other) const
return ((num && other.num)&&(den && other.den));
bool operator >= (const RationalNumber& other) const
return ((*this > other) || (*this == other));
bool operator > (const RationalNumber & other) const
int l = num*other.den;
int r = den*other.num;
return (l>r);
bool operator < (const RationalNumber & other) const
int l = num*other.den;
int r = den*other.num;
return (l<r);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const RationalNumber &);
RationalNumber operator+(int y,RationalNumber& x)
RationalNumber tmp(y*x.den,x.den);
return x + tmp;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const RationalNumber& obj) {
out << obj.num;
if (obj.num != 0 && obj.den != 1) {
out << "/" << obj.den;
return out;
int main()
RationalNumber O1(1, 2);
RationalNumber O2(3, 5);
RationalNumber O3(2, 3);
RationalNumber O4(1,2 );
RationalNumber O5(1, 4);
RationalNumber O6(1, 3);
RationalNumber O7 = ((O1 >= O2) + (O3 && O4) * (O5 < O6)) + O1 + O5;
cout << O7;
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