Write a C++ program that converts a decimal number to a binary, octal, and
hexadecimal equivalents. First, the program will ask to fix a range for the lower and
upper limit in which the conversion is required. The lower limit should not be less than
0 and greater than the upper limit. For example, if you enter a negative number or
greater than the upper limit, then the program should print a message for the invalid
input and will ask you again to enter a decimal number within the range. If you
correctly specify the upper and lower limits, then the program will print a table of the
binary, octal and hexadecimal equivalents of the decimal numbers in the range of
lower limit through upper limit.
Specific grading criteria: In this program you should use all the loops (e.g., while,
do-while and for loop) each of them only one time. The output mentioned below is just
an example; more clear and well- presented output will improve your points.
using namespace std;
int ToBin(int n)
int binary = 0;
int rem, prod = 1;
for (;;)
if (n == 0)break;
rem = n % 2;
binary = binary + (rem*prod);
n = n / 2;
prod *= 10;
return binary;
int ToOctal(int n)
int octal = 0;
int rem, prod = 1;
while (n != 0)
rem = n % 8;
octal = octal + (rem*prod);
n = n / 8;
prod *= 10;
return octal;
string ToHex(int n)
string hexal="";
int temp = n % 16;
if (temp < 10)
hexal = char(temp + 55) + hexal;
n = n / 16;
} while (n != 0);
return hexal;
int main()
int lowLim, upLim;
cout << "Please, enter lower limit and upper limit: ";
cin >> lowLim >> upLim;
if (lowLim >= 0 && lowLim < upLim)
cout << "Bin\tOct\tHex\n";
for (int i = lowLim; i <= upLim; i++)
cout << ToBin(i)<<"\t" <<ToOctal(i)<<"\t"<<ToHex(i)<< endl;
cout << "Incorrect input!"<<endl;
} while (lowLim <= 0 || lowLim >= upLim);
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