Develop a C++ class named Complex
Complex to hold complex numbers data. The class should support functionality to support computation of complex conjugate, magnitude, phase and to print the number in format x+i(y)
x+i(y) where x
x is real and y
y is imaginary part. Provide at least three (default, copy and set by values) constructors.
Also, overload the four basic arithmetic operators(+, -, *, /) and write code to use those implementations.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class Complex
float real;
float imag;
Complex(float _real,float _imag)
Complex(Complex& x):real(x.real),imag(x.imag){}
Complex operator+ (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real + x.real;
tmp.imag = imag + x.imag;
return tmp;
Complex operator- (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real - x.real;
tmp.imag = imag - x.imag;
return tmp;
Complex operator* (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = (real*x.real)-(imag*x.imag);
tmp.imag = (real*x.imag)-(imag*x.real);
return tmp;
Complex operator/ (Complex x)
Complex tmp;
float div = (x.real*x.real) + (x.imag*x.imag);
tmp.real = (real*x.real) + (imag*x.imag);
tmp.real /= div;
tmp.imag = (real*x.imag) - (imag*x.real);
tmp.imag /= div;
return tmp;
Complex conjugate()
Complex tmp;
tmp.real = real;
tmp.imag = imag* -1;
return tmp;
float magnitude()
float z;
z = (real*real) + (imag*imag);
z = sqrt(z);
return z;
float phase() { return atan2(real, imag);}
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Complex& x);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Complex& x)
os << x.real << setiosflags(ios::showpos) << x.imag << "i"
<< resetiosflags(ios::showpos);
return os;
int main()
Complex a(10, 12);
cout << a << endl;
Complex b(a);
cout << b << endl;
cout << "Conugate a: ";
Complex c = a.conjugate();
cout << c << endl;
cout << "Magnitude a: ";
cout << a.magnitude() << endl;
cout << "Phase a: ";
cout << a.phase() << endl;
Complex d(4, -6);
cout << d << endl;
cout << "a+d: ";
Complex e = a + d;
cout << e << endl;
cout << "a-d: ";
e = a - d;
cout << e << endl;
cout << "a*d: ";
e = a * d;
cout << e << endl;
cout << "a/d: ";
e = a / d;
cout << e << endl;
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