Create a class by the name of ‘Product’. Create the following private members
name(String), price(Int) and quantity(Int). Define a parameter-less and a
parameterized constructor. Define the following two member functions outside the class,
void getData()
static void counter()
static int countProduct()
The class would contain a static int ‘totalProduct’, having initial value equal to zero.
Each time an instance of the product class is created, the ‘counter()’ should be called.
The ‘counter()’ increments the static member by 1 value. Suppose I create 5 products,
when I execute the following code it should display 5.
using namespace std;
static void counter();
static int countProduct();
class Product
string name;
int price;
int quantity;
static int totalProduct;
Product(string _name, int _price, int _quantity)
void getData()
cout << "Please, enter the name of product: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Please, enter the price of product: ";
cin >> price;
cout << "Please, enter the quantity of product: ";
cin >> quantity;
int Product::totalProduct = 0;
static void counter(){Product::totalProduct++;}
static int countProduct() {return Product::totalProduct;}
int main()
Product a("chair",20,25);
Product b;
Product c("sofa",500,2);
Product d;
Product e("table", 300, 7);
cout << "The total number of product is " << countProduct();
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