Come up with the remaining loop , flow , and example on each one .
1.while loop while loop
3.infinite loop
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  cout << "While loop: sum all numbers from 1 till the sum is less than N" << endl;
  int i, sum, n;
  cout << "Enter N: ";
  cin >> n;
  sum = 0;
  i = 1;
  while (sum < n) {
    sum += i;
    cout << "i = " << i << " sum = " << sum << endl;
  cout << "Done!" << endl;
  cout << endl << "do while loop" << endl;
  char ans;
  do {
    cout << "Do you want to see this message ones more? (Y/n) ";
    cin >> ans;
  } while (ans != 'n');
  cout << endl << "WARNING! Infinit loop (to terminate press Ctrl-C)" << endl;
  int x=1;
  while (x) {
    x = 1;
  return 0;
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