structure Address following data members:
char* address
char* city
char* state
int zip_code
structure CustomerAccount following data members:
char* name
Address address
long long phoneNum
float balance
char* accountNum
following passed as arguments to global functions below
1. CustomerAccount *customers[100]
2. int accountsOpen
functions in global scope:
1. void OpenCustomerAccount (CustomerAccount* customers[], int& accountsOpen,
char* NameVal, char*addVal, char*cityVal, char*stateVal, int zipcodeVal, long long
phoneVal, float balanceVal) – a function to create a new customer account and assign it
an account number that has not already been taken between PK001 and PK100.
To dynamically create a new customer account, use an element in the customers array (a
pointer) with the new keyword.
2. int SearchCustomer (CustomerAccount* customers[], int accountsOpen, char*
accountNum) – If the
customer is found it returns the array index otherwise return -1
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